Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to thrift shop

This one is all about thrift store shopping.

1.) Find a place.
Now don't be fooled by outer apperances. Some of the best peices come from the homliest looking places. Try googling places to donate in your area, or try looking up thrift shops, which also go by consignment centers. You can even ask a friend if they've heard of any. And once you find a place don't be ashamed to go in their. People donate really ncie things to even very low income areas, you will be shocked what you can find in the shops that have low overhead.

2.) Do your homework
Call ahead and ask what kind of payment(s) they accept. Most thrift stores and consignment shops don't take credit of debit cards becasue they have to pay an extra fee to use them. Sometimes they pass this fee on to you. Some are cash only. Either way know what to bring ahead of time.

3.) Go with a list of items to look for.
There is no point walking into a store with no clue what your bearing is. yes it's true you may find something you werent looking for, like a beatiful scarf or a fabulous belt. But know ahead of time what your aiming for. This will also allows you to be extra vigilant in finding the perfect peice for your closet.
 I'm always keeping my eye out for tailored peices, or warm thick knit sweaters with cute details for the winter.

4.) Take your time.
Look through the racks carefully and slowly. If you find something you like, inspect it. Look for stains and tears that are too large to repair, missing buttons or unwanted extras( like sewn in shoulder pads).
Once youve looked at the cut, pattern and condition THEN look at the size. If it's close like within one or two sizes, or looks like it could fit, TRY IT ON!!!

5.) Try Everything On! Even if somethign is labeled in your size, the previous owner may have donated it because it has streched out or shrank, or it may have been donated because it is incorrectly sized. Also you want to do the try one dance.

6.) Take the piece into consideration.
Is this piece exactly what you want? Do you really need it? Is it comfortable? Will it mix well with what you already have? Can you think of at elast 3 ways to wear it? or 3 occasions? Is it a quality piece?

7.) Wash and Care
   Check the label to find out what materials the item is made of and what type of care is required.

8.) Wear with pride
Rock your fab new find!

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